How to Incorporate Smart Technology into Your Kitchen Design

As we use more technology in our daily lives, it’s now common to see it in our homes, including the kitchen. Smart kitchens designs are the latest, making cooking easier and more convenient for people who own them.

With lots of smart appliances and gadgets available, it’s easy to create a beautiful and useful kitchen. But there are also difficulties when setting up high-tech kitchen equipment. It would help if you decided which gadgets to use and ensure they’re safe, simple to use, and give you good value for the money you spent.

If you want to upgrade your kitchen with modern technology or completely remodel it, contact Kitchen Renovations Perfected.

Here are some of the best smart technology and gadgets we recommend for your smart kitchen design In Highland Beach.

  • Lights
    Your kitchen is not just a place where you cook. It may also be a workspace, a place for kids to do homework, or a spot to entertain guests. Lighting is an important part of the kitchen design in Highland Beach, not just the overhead lights but also the lights inside or underneath cabinets. Besides, they can be used as a night light or to help find things in the dark. If you work late, you might want a lighting system you can control with an app, so you don’t have to enter a dark house.
  • Charging & Docking Stations
    Cell phones are not only used to make calls, but they are also important versatile tools in our lives. They can serve as a flashlight, calculator, and alarm clock, among other things. If we didn’t have cell phones, it could cause chaos in our families lives.
    To make sure everything goes well in our daily lives, all our electronic devices must have enough battery power all the time. By having a special spot in your kitchen where you can charge your devices, you can keep your family’s gadgets fully charged and safe, and tidy.
  • Smart Appliances
    There are so many smart appliances available now for your kitchen. You can find almost any kitchen tool that connects with Bluetooth. There are digital scales that can weigh your food & help you cook, slow cookers that can be controlled with an app from anywhere, and even trash cans that can make a shopping list for you. Although there are many options, here are 3 of our favorite smart appliances for your kitchen design in Highland Beach.
  • GeniCan – GeniCan is a device that can be attached to your trash can or recycling bin. It helps you update your grocery list easily. When you throw something away, it can remind you to buy a replacement. It has a special feature that works with Amazon, which can automatically order things like paper towels/snacks you use once you throw them away.
  • Smart Refrigerators – LG & Samsung have created new refrigerators that can link to apps. The LG InstaView ThinQ fridge can talk to other high-tech appliances and has Alexa, a virtual assistant, to help you with recipes or make a grocery (shopping) list. Samsung’s Family Hub is like a big tablet where you can write notes, make lists, and find recipes. It can be used for entertainment.
  • DaysAgo – Do you ever consider whether your mayonnaise or jam is still healthy? Well, DaysAgo can help you figure it out! It’s a little gadget with a suction cup and a timer to stick on the jar when you first open it. The timer will keep track of how many days have gone by since you opened it, so you can always know if it’s still good to use or not.
  • WiFi-Enabled Dishware
    If you want to watch what you eat and be healthy, you should use WiFi dishware. A SmartPlate is a special plate connected to the internet and can tell what food you put on it. It has small cameras and sensors that can weigh your food and tell you how much you should eat. If you overeat, the plate will alert you.
  • Dash Buttons
    Dash buttons are a cool invention from Amazon that can help busy people. When you press the button, you can order things from Amazon without using your laptop. If you run out of coffee or diapers, you can use the Dash button to order more.

Contact Kitchen Renovations Perfected to Incorporate Smart Technologies in your Kitchen

In simple terms, adding smart technology to your kitchen design can make cooking easier and more fun. You can use voice-activated applications and smart lights to create a kitchen that practically takes care of itself. It will save you time, help you cook better, and save energy. If you invest in smart technology for your kitchen, you’ll have a great place to cook and hang out with your family for many years.

Get in touch with us today for a free quote to make your kitchen a smart kitchen.