How to Clean Natural Stone Countertops | Kitchen Renovations
In addition to being a luxurious addition to kitchens, bathrooms, and multipurpose spaces, countertops are an excellent choice for durability. No matter what type of stone you select for your countertops—granite, marble, or quartz—it is crucial to learn how to maintain each one to avoid damage properly. Here are a few of the most effective techniques to clean natural stone countertops.
Use these quick cleaning tips for different countertops to keep your kitchen or bathroom clean. Kitchen Renovation Perfected has consultants with years of experience, allowing you to work your ideas with their professional guidance.
Cleaning Different Natural Stone Countertops
It’s the most frequently asked question.
Don’t ruin your new countertops with harsh chemicals. Learn how to clean natural stone countertops with safe, gentle ingredients and preserve their look. There are different ways to clean different types of countertops.
Granite countertops are stain-resistant, and resistant to heat. Maintaining your granite countertop is simple when it has been properly sealed.
Routine Cleaning: Daily cleaning with water and dishwashing soap solution will keep granite counters bright. Mix one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle with four cups of water.
After cooking, spray the counters with water and wipe them down with a gentle microfiber towel. Air drying is recommended.
Avoid cleaning granite with harsh products that might degrade the polish, such as foamy bathroom cleaners, vinegar, or lemon juice.
Remove stains using a commercial stone poultice; make your own by combining baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to create a paste.
Marble Countertops are still the material of choice for many homeowners. It’s not surprising that marble countertops and backsplashes are so popular, yet, you must properly clean them to avoid damage.
Daily Cleaning: Prevention is the key to maintaining marble’s fantastic appearance. Clean your marble top immediately after it gets dirty. Use a soft cloth and warm water to clean marble countertops once each day; avoid using scrubbing sponges.
Never use strong cleansers, vinegar, or glass cleaners containing ammonia.
To avoid staining, you should reseal marble countertops every three to six months.
Removing Stains: Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on stains from food or rust from metals. Apply freely, let it dry, and then wipe it off. As necessary, repeat. Many stains disappear with time.
Quartz countertops are among the most looked material in natural stone countertops. They are expensive countertops. The color of quartz will fade over time if it is exposed to intense, direct sunshine.
Avoid using hot objects on the surface, as they can damage the resin.
Cleaning: The best technique to clean quartz countertops quickly is with dish soap, warm water, and a microfiber cloth. Remove any leftover soapy combination with a dry cloth and warm water after wiping it with circular motions.
Avoid using harsh scrubbing pads for daily cleaning; use glass cleaner or any other non-abrasive household cleaner. The countertop should be cleaned daily with warm, soapy water or cleaner. By reducing friction between the surface and abrasive materials, keeping the surface clean helps prevent scratching the surface.
Kitchen Remodel Perfected (KRP) provides premium quality natural stone countertops in various designs. We only work with the highest quality vendors and contractors licensed and insured.
Contact Us to get an estimate for kitchen and washroom countertop remodeling.